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We all know that in life, we move on. The same thing goes for blogging life. After spending more than 8 years here, I finally decided to leave blogger and moving to WordPress. Was it a hard decision ? No, of course, thanks to 'Export' and 'Import' feature on both sites hahaha. The real question is:  why ? Nothing important, I just needed to change my layout, template, etc. but unfortunately, blogger did not provide what I needed. So that's it, I decided to move. This blog will not be deleted, I just don't feel like it. However, all my posts are now on WordPress so in case any of you wants to read how I behaved back then in junior and senior high school, you are all welcome to my WordPress site. Hahaha, joking. So, yeah, thank you for being a good friend during these 8 years. This blog really watched me grow . From writing about daily life at school or merely just unimportant quizzes, to writing personal thoughts and reflections. Vi
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Listening to Opinions

P.S: There might be some 'logical fallacies' in this post, or you might feel that there are a lot of missing parts. I apologize for not being able to organize my thoughts properly because I have no time to do so. I just want to write what's on my mind these days. Have you ever wondered how weird this world is? Oh no, not the world as a creature, but the world as a society. Nothing in this world is certain. There are always two sides of a coin, there are always various opinions. At the age of 21, I realized that if there are two poles of something, no pole is better than another. It is also no good to follow one pole very extremely. We need balance. For example, Some people say that we should not listen to other's opinions because they do not matter. We know how to live our own lives. But, it is not good if we do not consider other's feedback. Feedback might be important for our improvement and to remind ourselves that we don't live alone

Looking Back to 2017

It is so funny to see that my last post was titled 'Looking Back to 2016' and now I'm here to post something new with a similar title. I've been abandoning this blog for almost a year! Wow I know I am such a bad blogger hahaha. I finally have the energy and willingness (lol) to come back here and write something. I'd like to express apologies to my blog and myself for not being able to commit to writing posts on a weekly or monthly basis. I was too lazy to arrange beautiful and meaningful words to express my feelings or my thoughts because my body didn't cooperate well. Okay I know it was such a lame excuse but whatever I'm gonna start listing some good and bad things that happened in 2017! January - Started my 2017 in the Holy Cities. It was my second time performing Umrah but I think this time was much more meaningful than the first one. I was actually feeling the peacefulness and blissfulness of being able to get away from the worldly life and just

Looking Back to 2016

Sekarang udah tahun 2017, tapi emang gak ada bedanya bagi gue. Keluarga gue secara pribadi nggak merayakan tahun baru kayak mungkin orang-orang pada umumnya. Gak ada itu malem tahun baru keluar jalan-jalan, apalagi kita tau bakal macet banget di mana-mana hahaha biasanya sih tahun baru kita di rumah aja leyeh-leyeh. Kayak nggak ada bedanya hari ini dan besok, hanya beda di penulisan tanggal aja. Terlepas dari hal itu, gue mau me- review  sedikit mengenai tahun 2016, bukan sebagai sebuah pergantian tahun, tapi lebih kepada merangkum kehidupan akademis-non akademis gue. Kenapa? Karena kalau gue bisa bilang, BEM itu bener-bener jadi hal besar yang mengisi hari-hari gue dan biasanya itu berlangsung selama satu tahun untuk tiap periodenya. Jadi ketika tahun ini berakhir, berakhir pula kehidupan BEM gue sekaligus adanya pergantian kehidupan akademis. Penekanannya lebih ke hal itu sih hahaha. Looking back to 2016 , gue merasa melewati banyak hal besar di kehidupan gue. Relate  nya memang

Serba-Serbi Fakultas Psikologi (Universitas Indonesia)

Kalo diliat-liat, sebenernya gue jarang banget nih posting macem ginian. Tapi entah kenapa gue lagi kepengen nulis aja di blog dan voila , ini salah satu ide yang muncul di kepala. Kuliah memasuki tahun keempat, sudah cukuplah ya bagi gue untuk 'memaparkan' hasil unsystematic observation  gue ini. Mungkin beberapa di antaranya akan bisa relate  juga ke perkuliahan jurusan Psikologi lain atau perkuliahan fakultas lain di UI, atau mungkin jurusan dan universitas lain. Tetapi, mungkin juga ada yang khas hanya ada di Psikologi UI. Numbers is definitely something you can't avoid here Dulu pas gue masuk Psikologi, ada pikiran bahwa gue ga akan ketemu angka-angka lagi, meskipun sebenernya gue suka. To be specific , I don't hate numbers but I just can't stand studying physics again in my life  (tapi terus sekarang kangen, lol). Tapi ternyata, selama gue kuliah dari semester 1-7, kayanya cuma semester pertama gue ga ketemu angka-angka. Di Psikologi, terutama UI,

Why, Human?

I don't get it. I just don't. I don't get how people could 'fight' endlessly over something which I consider inessential. Why do people complicate things which are supposed to be simple? Well, if I could say in terms of 'individual differences', the values which people hold are not the same.  Oh God sometimes I hate to think about individual differences because sometimes it's tiring to 'understand everyone'. It's funny that I become tired of people, of human, of their differences, which sometimes might justify everything that they do, even if it may harm or insult others. It's funny that I become tired of people when I'm already a Psychology student, learning what people do and say for almost three years. It's tiring to have a mindset that 'everyone is different' when the situations won't let me think that way. It's uncomfortable when what I'm do is incongruent with my values. After all, I'

Five Points

Liburan ini membuat gue berpikir dan belajar banyak hal. Mudah-mudahan hasil pemikiran gue ini nggak membuat gue terpuruk, tapi membuat gue lebih baik. Nggak semua hal perlu diberikan penjelasan tentang kenapa sesuatu terjadi, tentang kenapa sesuatu muncul atau hilang, dan tentang-tentang yang lainnya; Terkadang banyak hal yang hanya bisa kita simpan sendiri karena terlalu sulit menjelaskannya kepada orang lain dan mungkin orang lain nggak bisa memahami apa yang kita alami. Anyway , ini berlaku kalau apa yang kita pikirkan/alami tidak mengganggu keberfungsian kita sehari-hari, ya. Masih dalam tahap normal. Kalau udah parah, please do tell anyone that you trust, and seek for help.  Jangan sampai kamu depresi ya! *pesan sponsor mahasiswa Psikologi* Jangan pernah bandingkan diri sendiri dengan orang lain. Lihat orang lain sebagai sekadar motivasi atau inspirasi, tapi bukan untuk merendahkan atau memandang rendah diri sendiri. Manusia punya kontrol terhadap dirinya. Sesuatu nggak akan